Dynamic Value Engineering Method Optimizing the Risk on Real Time Operating System

Prashant Kumar Patra, Padma Lochan Pradhan


The value engineering is the umbrella of the many more sub-system like quality assurance, quality control, quality function design and development for manufacturability. The system engineering & value engineering is two part of the coin. The value engineering is the high level of technology management for every aspect of engineering fields. The value engineering is the high utilization of System Product (i.e. Processor, Memory & Encryption key), Services, Business and Resources at minimal cost. The high end operating system providing highest services at optimal cost & time. The value engineering provides the maximum performance, accountability, reliability, integrity and availability of processor, memory, encryption key and other inter dependency sub-components. The value engineering is the ratio of the maximum functionality of individual components to the optimal cost. VE=k [(P, M, E, C, A)]/optimal cost. Where k is the proportionality constant. The VE is directly proportional to performance of individual components and inversely proportional to the minimal cost. The VE is directly proportional to the risk assessment. The VE maximize the business throughput & decision process mean while minimize the risk and down time. We have to develop the dynamic value engineering model & mechanism for risk optimization over a complex real time operating system This proposed composition model definite will be resolve our objective at top high level. Product


Value Engineering, PS: Product Specification, TS: Target Specification, BS: Business Specification. C: Control, E: Encryption, A: Availability, P: Processor, M:Memory

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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