Facial Expression Recognition Using SVM Classifier

Vasanth P.C., Nataraj K.R.


Facial feature tracking and facial actions recognition from image sequence attracted great attention in computer vision field. Computational facial expression analysis is a challenging research topic in computer vision. It is required by many applications such as human-computer interaction, computer graphic animation and automatic facial expression recognition. In recent years, plenty of computer vision techniques have been developed to track or recognize the facial activities in three levels. First, in the bottom level, facial feature tracking, which usually detects and tracks prominent landmarks surrounding facial components (i.e., mouth, eyebrow, etc), captures the detailed face shape information; Second, facial actions recognition, i.e., recognize facial action units (AUs) defined in FACS, try to recognize some meaningful facial activities (i.e., lid tightener, eyebrow raiser, etc); In the top level, facial  expression analysis attempts to recognize some meaningful facial activities (i.e., lid tightener, eyebrow raiser, etc); In the top level, facial expression analysis attempts to recognize facial expressions that represent the human emotion states. In this proposed algorithm initially detecting eye and mouth, features of eye and mouth are extracted using Gabor filter, (Local Binary Pattern) LBP and PCA is used to reduce the dimensions of the features. Finally SVM is used to classification of expression and facial action units.

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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