Classification and Grip of Occluded Objects

Robinson Jimenez-Moreno, Paula Useche-Murillo


The present paper exposes a system for detection, classification, and grip of occluded objects by machine vision, artificial intelligence, and an anthropomorphic robot, to generate a solution for the subjection of elements that present occlusions. The deep learning algorithm used is based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), specifically Fast R-CNN (Fast Region-Based CNN) and DAG-CNN (Directed Acyclic Graph CNN) for pattern recognition, the three-dimensional information of the environment was collected through Kinect V1, and tests simulations by the tool VRML. A sequence of detection, classification, and grip was programmed to determine which elements present occlusions and which type of tool generates the occlusion. According to the user's requirements, the desired elements are delivered (occluded or not), and the unwanted elements are removed. It was possible to develop a program with 88.89% accuracy in gripping and delivering occluded objects using networks Fast R-CNN and DAG-CNN with achieving of 70.9% and 96.2% accuracy respectively, detecting elements without occlusions for the first net and classifying the objects into five tools (Scalpel, Scissor, Screwdriver, Spanner, and Pliers), with the second net. The grip of occluded objects requires accurate detection of the element located at the top of the pile of objects to remove it without affecting the rest of the environment. Additionally, the detection process requires that a part of the occluded tool be visible to determine the existence of occlusions in the stack


CNN; Fast R-CNN; DAG-CNN; Occluded objects; Robot Manipulator; tools recognition.

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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