A Density Control Based Adaptive Hexahedral Mesh Generation Algorithm

Xiangwei Zhang, Lili Huang


A density control based adaptive hexahedral mesh generation algorithm for three dimensional models is presented in this paper. The first step of this algorithm is to identify the characteristic boundary of the solid model which needs to be meshed. Secondly, the refinement fields are constructed and modified according to the conformal refinement templates, and used as a metric to generate an initial grid structure. Thirdly, a jagged core mesh is generated by removing all the elements in the exterior of the solid model. Fourthly, all of the surface nodes of the jagged core mesh are matching to the surfaces of the model through a node projection process. Finally, the mesh quality such as topology and shape is improved by using corresponding optimization techniques.

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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