Dynamic security assessment for the power system in the presence of wind turbines

Saraa Ismaeel Khalel, Mohammed Ali Abdullah Mohammed Al-Rawe, Ali Abbawi Mohammed Alabbawi


Dynamic security is an essential requirement for operating a modern power system. Due to the global increase in load demand, modern power systems witness several dramatic changes in terms of size and implementation of new renewable sources. At the same time, the deregulation process in power operation policy is being pushed to operate closer to its security boundary limits. Based on the combined Decision Tree (DT) algorithm, namely Random Forest (RF) and advance attribute selection technique, this paper presents an approach to address these challenges related to dynamic security assessment (DSA) in the modern power system. The performance of study approach is demonstrated on a modified version of IEEE 9 and 14-bus test system models with presence of two wind turbines (WTs) type WTG 3. Results show the superiority of RF compared to other DT algorithms that are used in this study. In addition, the attribute selection technique could significantly affect the number of attributes required for DSA. This makes DT classifier more effectiveness in the online application. Thus, this approach can provide control center with vital information with high accuracy results and less attributes about security state direction that will help operator to take the right and fast steps to remedy problems and prevent a blackout from occurring.


Dynamic security assessment, Renewable energy, wind turbine, Decision tree, Random Forest

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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