An algorithm using YOLOv4 and DeepSORT for tracking vehicle speed on highway

Phat Huu Nguyen, Manh Bui Duy


Currently, expressways are increasingly developed and expanded. Several highways of Vietnam allow vehicles to travel up to 120 kilometers per hour helping to transport goods quickly and bring a lot of socio-economic benefits. Vehicle monitoring plays an important role in reducing traffic accidents helping to handle violations.The paper proposes a model to identify and monitor car speed on highways. The proposal method uses YOLOv4 combining with DeepSORT for vehicle identification and tracking. We then calculate the speed of car based on video recording and sending back from highway. The execution context is highway where vehicles move very fast. The results show that system meets set requirements with over 90% accuracy and execution times for up to 70 frames per second that is suitable for real systems.


YOLOv4; DeepSORT; Object tracking; Tracking vehicle; Highways

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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