A Study for Remote Monitoring of Water Points in Mauritania Based on IoT (LoRa) Technology

Hassine Ali Abeidi, Bedine Kerim, Mohamedade Farouk Nanne


Wetlands in Mauritania contain the most important water sources necessary for the survival of rural communities in the country. In these areas, the main rural activities such as animal husbandry, agriculture, and fishing take place. Lack of water or flooding must be monitored to plan solutions in advance. After a comparative study of IoT wireless technologies, we proposed that LoRa technology is the most suitable for our field of application. However, in certain areas where access to the cellular network is difficult, we propose the addition of satellite communication in the LoRamonitoring system to achieve information collected at any point in the world via the cloud and the Internet. We carried out a practical case for the areas covered by the UMTS (3G) cellular network using devices integrating LoRaWAN to evaluate the performance of this technology. The results show the success of the communication over a distance of 14 km.


IoT; LoRa; LoRaWAN; level sensor; Water points; Mauritania

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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