Forecasting and Clustering of Cassava Price by Machine Learning (A study of Cassava prices in Thailand)

Sayan Tepdang, Ratthakorn Ponprasert


Forecasting and Clustering the price of cassava is essential for agriculture, but the difficult part of forecasting is price fluctuation, in which the fact of prices is going up and down and be changed monthly. The paper proposes to forecast  the price of Cassava by machine learning. The process had been calculated by the price of Cassava from January 2005 to February 2022, which has been collected for 17 years by the Office of Agricultural Economics, Ministry of Agriculture, and Cooperatives. The research on forecasting found that the method of Support Vector Machine including using add-on feature with Garlic Price and Potato Price showing the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) with the lowest point as of 0.10. If comparing to the Conventional method with the equal database. The result shows that the proposed method demonstrates the value of the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) as 3.35%, it displays more effectively as 0.61%. For the final process of clustering the price by analyzing with K-mean, the result came up with a peak pricing period in December of 14.08%. Subsequently, the agricultures would apply the research result to implement their planting plan for profit-making.


Machine Learning, Data Mining, Forecasting of Cassava Price, Data Analysis, Knowledge Discovery in Data

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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