Summary on RoF Technologies, Modulations, and Optical Filters: Review

Manea Naif Obied, Mishari A. Askar


In order to meet the growing need for bandwidth, this article offers a thorough examination of Radio over Fibre (RoF) technology and its integration with wireless communication networks. It starts out by going over the development of wireless networks and the difficulties they encounter, like spectral congestion and RF spectrum operational constraints. An effective way to handle data traffic is to include optical fibre into wireless networks. A detailed analysis is conducted of the technical features of RoF systems, including modulation approaches such as external and direct modulation. While external modulation provides better performance by getting around constraints, direct modulation uses the RF signal to directly modify the brightness of the light source. It is detailed how optical filters, including Fabry-Perot, Fiber-Bragg Grating, and Tunable filters, are used in a variety of applications. They provide an explanation of their functions and importance in optical communication. In addition, a thorough review of relevant literature is included in the study, along with a summary of the main conclusions, approaches, goals, drawbacks, and achievements of academic studies on optical communication and RoF systems. This analysis focuses on the field's problems and achievements. In summary, RoF technology integration of optical and wireless networks holds enormous potential to satisfy the changing needs of high-capacity, high-speed wireless communication. In order to effectively utilise the potential of RoF systems and progress contemporary wireless networks, additional study and development work is yet required.


Wireless Communication, Radio-over-Fiber, Modulation Techniques, Optical Filters, Optical Communication


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