Efficient Invisible Color Image Watermarking Based on Chaos

Belkacem Samia, Messaoudi Noureddine


Several difficulties are faced in developing a robust and transparent color image watermarking system, which requires the blending of the human visual system (HVS) during its design. Therefore, employing masks that take into account the features of HVSs has become a very effective tool for boosting robustness requirements without significant alterations in image imperceptibility. The present article offers watermarking strategy for colored images employing a reverse self-reference image in conjunction with the HVS constraint. A color image first undergoes conversion through the Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) format to the National Television Systems Committee (NTSC) space. The reference image is derived from the luminance channel through the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) domain. However, the chaotic map serves to generate the watermark, and a 2D torus automorphism is subsequently used to scramble the watermark. Therefore, the watermark is scrambled and placed in the reference image. Moreover, the detecting phase involves the host image, where the reference image is extracted from both the host and the image with a watermark, and the correlation is subsequently used to assess the similarity between the retrieved and the introduced watermark. The proposed watermarking scheme can retain the watermarked image's perceptibility justified by the PSNR. In addition, it achieves high robustness to withstand a wide array of attacks.



Attacks; Chaotic map; Copyright protection; Digital image watermarking; DWT; HVS; NTSC; Reverse self-reference image


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