Blind Signal Separation Algorithm for Acoustic Echo Cancellation

Haengwoo Lee


This paper is to the blind signal separation algorithm applied to acoustic echo cancellation. This algorithm doesn’t degrade the performance of echo cancellation even in the double-talk. In the closed echo environment, the mixing model of acoustic signals has multi-channel, so the convolutive blind signal separation method is applied. And the mixing coefficients are computed by using the feedback model without directly calculating the separation coefficients. The coefficient updating is performed by iterative computations based on the second-order statistical properties, thus estimating the near-end speech. Many simulations have been performed to verify the performance of the proposed blind signal separation. Simulation results show that the proposed acoustic echo canceller operates safely regardless of double-talk, and the PESQ is improved by 0.6 point compared with the general adaptive FIR filter structure.


Acoustic echo canceller, Blind Signal Separation, Convolutive, Double-talk

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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