This is not a final list of the issue. Several accepted papers will still be added in the next few days.
Table of Contents
Detection and Estimation of Schizophrenia Severity from Acoustic Features with Inclusion of K-means as Voice Activity Detection Function | |
Sheriff Alimi, Afolashade Oluwakemi Kuyoro, Monday Okpoto Eze, Oyebola Akande |
EfficientNet Model for Multiclass Classification of The Correctness of Wearing Face Mask | |
Khadijah Khadijah, Retno Kusumaningrum, Rismiyati Rismiyati, Nur Sabilly |
IVFD: An Intelligent Video Forgery Detection Framework Leveraging InceptionV3 and GRU for Enhanced Forensics | |
Kumbham Bhargavi, M Jahir Pasha, Rajitha Kotoju, M. Sree Vani |
Transfer Learning for Detecting Alzheimer’s Disease in Brain Using Magnetic Resonance Images | |
Md. Monirul Islam, JIA UDDIN |
Improving Channel Gain of 6G Communications Systems Supported by Intelligent Reflective Surface | |
Abbas Thajeel Rhaif Alsahlanee, Jehan Kadhim Shareef Al-Safi |
AI in Dermatology: Simulation-Based Performance Evaluation for Skin Cancer Detection | |
Kavita Behara, Ernest Bhero, John Terhile Agee |
Enhanced Field-Oriented Control for Synchronous Reluctance Motor Using Fuzzy Logic | |
Sayed Osman Madbouly |
Designing a Prototype of a Long-Range based Theft Detector System incorporated with ASCON-128 Algorithm as the Data Transmission Security | |
Fetty Amelia, Bella Wulandari Hartejo |
Enhancing LEACH Protocol with Multi-Criteria Decision Making for Prolonged Network Lifetime in WSNs | |
Mohammed A. Altaha, Ghazwan Abdulnabi Al Ali |
Haritha K Sivaraman, Rangaiah L |
Leveraging Gradient based Optimization based Unequal Clustering Algorithm for Hotspot Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks | |
Jenita Mary, Archana R. Panhalkar, Rajkumar S. Bhosale, S. Kavitha, Desidi Narsimha Reddy, Swetha Kodali |
Methodological Approach to Automated Recognition of Atrial Fibrillation and Subsequent Classification | |
Abas Lampezhev, Naur Ivanov, Tagirbek Aslanov, Muhamed Nogmov, Viktor Lysenko |
A Novel Methodology for Container Scheduling and Load Balancing in Distributed Environments | |
Neelima Gogineni, Saravanan M.S |
A Survey on Blockchain-Based Routing in Communication Networks | |
Patikiri Arachchige Don Shehan Nilmantha Wijesekara |
Clustering the Addiction Levels of Drug Users Using Fuzzy C-Mean | |
Okfalisa Okfalisa, Pramulia Suliandri, Ola A. Alwesabi, Bolat Tassuov, Raimbayeva Saule, Kurdyukov Vitaliy, Zahidah Zulkifli, Lestari Handayani |
A Novel Compact CPW-fed Octagonal-Shaped Slotted Antenna for UWB Applications | |
Franklin Alex Joseph A, Jothi B, Shantha Sheela R, Anitha N, Priya SB, Mohan C |
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272
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