Efficient Hybrid Genetic Based Multi Dimensional Host Load Aware Algorithm for Scheduling and Optimization of Virtual Machines

T. Thiruvenkadam, V. Karthikeyani


Mapping the virtual machines to the physical machines cluster is called the VM placement. Placing the VM in the appropriate host is necessary for ensuring the effective resource utilization and minimizing the datacenter cost as well as power. Here we present an efficient hybrid genetic based host load aware algorithm for scheduling and optimization of virtual machines in a cluster of Physical hosts. We developed the algorithm based on two different methods, first initial VM packing is done by checking the load of the physical host and the user constraints of the VMs. Second optimization of placed VMs is done by using a hybrid genetic algorithm based on fitness function. Our simulation results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms existing methods and enhances the rate of resource utilization through accommodating more number of virtual machines in a physical host

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