Development of a Low-Cost Wireless Bee-Hive Temperature and Sound Monitoring System

Agbotiname Lucky Imoize, Samuel Damilola Odeyemi, John Adetunji Adebisi


Precision beekeeping requires data acquisition, data analysis, and applications where the initial phase data on the beehive plays a fundamental role. This method of apiculture could be used to measure different bee colony parameters in real time, leveraging on wireless sensing technologies, which aid monitoring of a bee colony, and enhances the monitoring of infectious diseases like colony collapse disorder–a major loss in the management of honey bee population. In this paper, a low-cost wireless technology-based system, which measures in real-time, the temperature in and around the beehive, and the sound intensity inside the hive is presented. This monitoring system is developed using an Arduino microprocessor, an ESP8266 communication module, and a web-based server. The proposed system provides valuable information concerning the bee colony behavior in terms of temperature variations and sound characteristics. Based on the measured temperature and sound information, colony beekeepers could easily detect events like increased food usage by the bees, breeding start time, pre-swarming action, actual swarming pattern, and the bee colony's death.


Apiculture; Beehive population; Colony collapse disorder; Sound intensity monitoring; Swarming pattern; Wi-Fi enabled communication; Wireless temperature sensing

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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