Analysis on performances of the optimization algorithms in CNN speech noise attenuator

Haengwoo Lee


In this paper, we studied the effect of the optimization algorithm of weight coefficients on the performance of the CNN(Convolutional Neural Network) noise attenuator. This system improves the performance of the noise attenuation by a deep learning algorithm using the neural network adaptive predictive filter instead of using the existing adaptive filter. Speech is estimated from a single input speech signal containing noise using 64-neuron, 16-filter CNN filters and an error back propagation algorithm. This is to use the quasi-periodic nature of the voiced sound section of the voice signal. In this study, to verify the performance of the noise attenuator for the optimization, a test program using the Keras library was written and training was performed. As a result of simulation, this system showed the smallest MSE value when using the Adam algorithm among the Adam, RMSprop, and Adagrad optimization algorithms, and the largest MSE value in the Adagrad algorithm. This is because the Adam algorithm requires a lot of computation but it has an exellent ability to estimate the optimal value by using the advantages of RMSprop and Momentum SGD.


Noise attenuation, Deep learning, Convolutional neural network, Error back propagation, Keras Library

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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