Flexible Gripper, Design and Control for Soft Robotics

Catalina Castillo-Rodriguez, Robinson Jimenez-Moreno


This paper presents the 3D design of a flexible gripper used for gripping polyform objects that require a certain degree of adaptation of the effector for its manipulation. For this case, the 3D printing of the gripper and its construction is exposed, where a fuzzy controller is implemented for its manipulation. The effector has a flexo resistance that provides information of the deflection of the gripper, this information and the desired grip force are part of the fuzzy controller that seeks to regulate the current of the servomotors that make up the structure of the gripper and are responsible for ensuring the grip. An efficient system is obtained for gripping polyform objects involving deflection of up to 5 mm with a current close to 112 mA.


Flexible gripper; Fuzzy system; 3D print; Soft Robotic

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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