Optimal Control of Switched Capacitor Banks in Vietnam Distribution Network Using Integer Genetic Algorithm

Thanh-Son Tran, Thu-Huyen Dang, Anh-Tung Tran


In distribution network, power and energy losses can be reduced by using switched capacitor banks. The capacitor banks can be switched on or off based on voltage profile or power factor or using timers. Due to variation of load, it is necessary to control the capacitor banks switching in function of load curve. This paper presents the application of an integer genetic algorithm to determine the optimal number of banks corresponding with hourly load to minimize total active power losses of distribution feeders. The problem constraints include voltage profile and heat conditions which are taken into account to the objective function by a penalty function. In this application, the structure of chromosomes is a set of numbers of the capacitor banks hourly connected to the grid. The proposed formulation is validated by a feeder. The result shows that in some cases, the active power losses at maximum compensation are greater than the ones of optimal control compensation, and the voltage reaches a higher level than the maximum voltage limit. The optimal control of switched capacitor banks can reduce power and energy losses as well as ensure maximum voltage profile within the limit.


Optimal Operation; Integer Genetic Algorithm; Power Losses; Switched Capacitor Banks; Voltage Profile


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