An Enhanced Cluster-Based Routing Model for Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks

Rotimi Alagbe Gbadebo, Mistura Laide Sanni, Bodunde Odunola Akinyemi, Temitope Omotosho Ajayi, Ganiyu Adesola Aderounmu


Energy efficiency is a crucial consideration in wireless sensor networks since the sensor nodes are resource-constrained, and this limited resource, if not optimally utilized, may disrupt the entire network's operations. The network must ensure that the limited energy resources are used as effectively as possible to allow for longer-term operation. The study designed and simulated an improved Genetic Algorithm-Based Energy-Efficient Routing (GABEER) algorithm to combat the issue of energy depletion in wireless sensor networks. The GABEER algorithm was designed using the Free Space Path Loss Model to determine each node's location in the sensor field according to its proximity to the base station (sink) and the First-Order Radio Energy Model to measure the energy depletion of each node to obtain the residual energy. The GABEER algorithm was coded in the C++ programming language, and the wireless sensor network was simulated using Network Simulator 3 (NS-3). The outcomes of the simulation revealed that the GABEER algorithm has the capability of increasing the performance of sensor network operations with respect to lifetime and stability period.


Sensor nodes; Wireless Sensor Networks; Energy-efficiency; Cluster-based; Genetic Algorithm


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