Self-adaptive fuzzy-PID controller for AGC study in deregulated Power System

Subhadra Sahoo, Narendra Kumar Jena, Geetanjali Dei, Binod Kumar Sahu


The aim of this paper elucidates the AGC issues in a large scale interconnected power system incorporating HVDC link under the deregulated environment. The performance of the system is degraded under the influence of abrupt load change, and parameter variation. To perceive a reliable and quality power supply, secondary robust controllers are essential. A novel self-adaptive Fuzzy-PID controller is proposed to ameliorate the dynamic performance of both the conventional PID and Fuzzy-PID controller, employed in the restructured power system. In self-adaptive Fuzzy-PID controller unlike the Fuzzy-PID controller, the output scaling factors are tuned dynamically while the controller is functioning. These three controllers are designed by enumerating different gains and scaling factors, applying a budding nature-inspired algorithm known as Wild Goat Algorithm (WGA). The superior dynamic performance of frequency and tie-line power deviation under self-adaptive Fuzzy-PID controller in comparison to its' counterparts is investigated by dispatching the scheduled and unscheduled power under different contracts such as poolco based transaction, bilateral transaction and contract violation based transaction through different tie-lines. The dynamic response under parameter variation and random load perturbation confers the robustness of the proposed controller.


Automatic Generation control; Fuzzy Logic Control; Power System Stability; Deregulated Power System.

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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