Hybrid Petri nets-based Flow modeling and application on hybrid system.

Abdelkader Sayah, Mohammed Chenafa


Flow management is necessary in several application areas, in the optimization of industrial production lines, in IT to manage data flows and in the automation of industrial systems. Physical systems in general consist of continuous processes interacting with discrete processes forming a hybrid dynamic system constituted by continuous dynamic type models and discrete events. The application of the hybrid Petri nets tool in the modeling, study and performance evaluation of these systems helps to analyze the dynamic properties by acting on the parameters and the structure of the models in order to evaluate their behavior. This work is focused on the application of this tool to model a material flow management system between a rotary kiln and a clinker cooler in a production line (cement process). The implementation of the modeling and the analysis of the results obtained by simulation on a software platform (Visual Object Net ++), aims to study industrial processes with mathematical tools and to follow their behavior on software, this allows us an optimal analysis of complex systems in dangerous environments, and to try practical and effective solutions by simple means before moving on to the implementation and programming of actions that require more expensive means.


Modeling; Hybrid Petri nets; Flow management; Automating; Dynamic systems; Simulation.

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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