Design and Evaluation of the Efficiency of Channel Coding LDPC Codes for 5G Information Technology

Juliy Boiko, Ilya Pyatin, Oleksander Eromenko


This paper proposes a result of an investigation of a topical problem and the development of models for efficient coding in information networks based on codes with a low density of parity check. The main advantage of the technique is the presented recommendations for choosing a signal-code construction is carried out taking into account the code rate and the number of iterations decoding for envisaging the defined noise immunity indices. The noise immunity of signal-code constructions based on low-density codes has been increased by combining them with multi position digital modulation. This solution eventually allowed to develop a strategy for decoder designing of such codes and to optimize the code structure for a specific information network. To test the effectiveness of the proposed method, MATLAB simulations are carried out under for various Information channels binary symmetric channel (BSC), a channel with additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), binary asymmetric channel (BAC), asymmetric channel Z type. In addition, different code rates were used during the experiment. The study of signal-code constructions with differential modulation is presented. The efficiency of different decoding algorithms is investigated. The advantage of the obtained results over the known ones consists in determining the maximum noise immunity for the proposed codes. The energy gain was on the order of 6 dB, and an increase in the number of decoding iterations from 3 to 10 leads to a gain in coding energy of 5 dB. Envisaged that the results obtained can be very useful in the development of practical coding schemes in 5G networks.


modulation; LDPC-encoding; decoder; parity-check; network noise immunity; signal-to-noise ratio

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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