Quadruple Helix Engagement: Reviews on Shariah Fintech Based SMEs Digitalization Readiness

Okfalisa Okfalisa, Mahyarni Mahyarni, Wresni Anggraini, Faisal Saeed, Taofeeq D Moshood, Saktioto Saktioto


The development of Sharia Financial Technology (Fintech) after Covid-19 has experienced significant fluctuations in affecting the country’s economy. The importance of the role of Financial Transactions in the digitalization readiness of SMEs makes a considerable contribution to the use of Financial Technology as an effort to maintain the sustainability of SMEs. Identification of the involvement of the quadruple Helix (government, investors, academics, and communities) in maintaining the financial stability of SMEs through Sharia Fintech emerged as new challenges and opportunities in improving the economy after Covid 19 in Indonesia. Therefore, a systematic literature review investigation regarding how to utilize Sharia fintech products that are adjusted to the degree of digitization is required to help SMEs’ sustainability as well as explore the role of the quadruple Helix in pursuing this success. We identified 110 papers published on Sharia Fintech for SMEs, SMEs Digitalization Readiness, and The Role of Quadruple Helix between 2003-2021 with 87 specifications from Scopus journals and 23 from proceedings conferences. The analysis was performed using Atlas.ti 9 Software Packages on the above topic by limiting the discussion to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The literature review found a lack of study about the evaluation of Quadruple Helix Engagement for Sharia Fintech Based SMEs Digitalization Readiness. Thus, it needs an enhancement of a new model of Sharia fintech quadruple helix recommendation focuses on the SMEs digital readiness assessment as an attempt to increase the utilization of proper Sharia fintech products for SMEs.


Syariah Fintech; Quadruple Helix; SMEs Digitalization Readiness; Performance Measurement; Financial Transaction

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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