Closed-Loop Tuning of Cascade Controller for Load Frequency Control of Multi-Area Distributed Generation Resources Optimized by ASOS Algorithm

Sunita Pahadasingh, Chitralekha Jena, Chinmoy Kumar Panigrahi


This paper provides closed loop tuning of cascaded-tilted integral derivative controller (CC-TID) for load frequency control (LFC) of micro grid system. A micro grid system is the arrangement of distributed generation resources such as wind turbine generator (WTG), fuel cell (FC), aqua electrolyser (AE), diesel engine generator (DEG) and battery energy storage system (BESS). Different controllers such as proportional integral derivative (PID), two degree of freedom (2DOFPID), three degree of freedom (3DOFPID) and tilted integral derivative (TID) are used not only to sustain the disparity between real power generation and load demand but also accomplish zero steady state error to enrich the frequency and tie power regulations. The anticipated controller encompasses both the value of cascade (CC) and fractional order (FO) controls for better elimination of system instabilities. In the proposed CC-3DOFPID-TID controller, TID controller is castoff as a slave controller and 3DOFPID controller aided the role of dominant controller. The controlled parameters are optimized by adaptive symbiotic organism search (ASOS) algorithm for keen results of difficulties in LFC. To persist in ecosystem, symbiotic relations are predictable by organism through imitators. Further the dynamic behaviours of controller optimized by ASOS, teaching learning based optimization (TLBO) and differential evolution particle swarm optimization (DEPSO) are compared by extensive simulations in MATLAB/SIMULINK. Moreover the supremacy of proposed controller is performed through system dynamics comparison among PID, 2DOFPID, 3DOF-PID and CC-3DOFPID-TID controllers. Finally sensitivity of proposed controller has proven though random load perturbation.


Load frequency control; Proportional integral derivative; Symbiotic organism search; Area control error; Integral time absolute error (ITAE);Step load perturbation (SLP)

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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