Tilt Integral Derivative Controller Optimized by Battle Royale Optimization for Wind Generator Connected to Grid

Mohamed Samir, Gagan Singh, Nafees Ahamad


Globally the countries are focusing on reducing the carbon footprint leading to a greater effort for electrical energy generation by renewable energy sources, particularly wind. The wind turbines are invariably using doubly fed asynchronous generator. In this paper a controller has been designed for a doubly fed induction motor. The proposed Tilt Integral Derivate controller for was compared with commonly used PI, PID controllers. Several optimization algorithms were used for tuning of controllers and the best one was selected for each type of controller. The controller has been optimized using battlefield optimization. It had been compared with proportional integral controller, fractional order proportional integral derivative controller. Other controllers were optimized using meta heuristic algorithms. The controller enhanced the system response in terms of settling time, rise time and other parameters. The Tilt controller gave the overall superior performance in terms of parameters like rise time, settling time, settling minimum, peak, and peak time. The results were obtained using MATLAB. This paper discusses operation of doubly fed induction motor operation and optimization methods.


Doubly Fed Induction Generator Wind Farm Antlion Battle Royale TID Controller

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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