Efficient Medical Image Compression Based on Wavelet Transform and Modified Gray Wolf Optimization

Shahla Sohail, S Thenmozhi, Swetha Priyanka Jannu, R. Gayathiri


The use of medical images in diagnostic procedures is increasing, leadning to a significant rise in the memory and bandwidth requirements for preserving and transmitting these images. To address this issue, image compression techniques have garnered significant attention. These techniques are capable of reducing the data size necessary to represent an image, allowing for more efficient utilization of storage space and communication bandwidth by eliminating unnecessary information. Numerous research directions have focused on compressing medical images, but past approaches have been time-consuming and risked information loss. To trounce these limitations, this paper introduces an effiective method for reducing the size of medical images in telemedicine applications. The method utilizes Integer Wavelet Transform (IWT) and sophisticated algorithm. Primarily, input images undergo pre-processing with a circular median filter to eliminate noise and improve image quality. Subsequently, the pre-processed images are divided into multiple sub bands using IWT.Then, these sub bands are furhter divided into n X n non-overlapping matrices, and optimal coefficients are chosen by employing a modified grey wolf optimizer algorithm. Finally, the selected coefficients are encoded using Huffman coding for transmission. During decompression, the reverse process of image compression is applied. The introduced method is tested on various medical images, and the findings demonstrate its superior performance compared to previous methods, generating visually similar images with a smaller data size.


medical image compression integer wavelet transform modified grey wolf optimizer telemedicine applications

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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