Clustering of Heterogen Discussion Group Using K-Medians Clustering Equal Distribution for Increasing Knowledge Skill in Vocational High School

F Feriawan, Imam Much Ibnu Subroto, Muhammad Qomaruddin


To increase education quality on student resources context and learning system, every vocational school has managing self. The Empowerment system as a key component to increase quality in those vacational school. If learning system is owned by vacational school, the learning system will be able to give great contribut on student’s learning activities and student resources be possessed by vacational school will potential to good achievemnt. This study is done with aim groping group-discussion based on indicator communication and humorous to increase their knowledge and skill heterogeneously by using k-medians clustering analysis at Vocational School (SMK) Sore Tulungagung. Communication value and humorous as enhancement study on knowledge and skill in subject digital simulation for student class X expertise competency at motorcycle engineering as base their value. Student class X divided into 2 groups following Group based on k-medians and group based on random than research analysis to get average value k medians communication and humorous to increase study on knowledge and skill before and after learning group-discussion evaluated. The enhancement class value based on  k-medians 4,980 from average before learning 82,542 to be 87,521 after evaluated, while class based random only increase value 0,125 and average before learning 81,250 to be 81,375 after learning evaluated. Based on result of groping group-discussion heterogeneously on indicator communication and humorous to increasing knowledge and skill is grouped by using K-medians clustering method more seen increase.


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