Real Power Loss Reduction by Enhanced Imperialist Competitive Algorithm

Lenin Kanagasabai


In this paper, an Enhanced Imperialist Competitive (EIC) Algorithm is proposed for solving reactive power problem. Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) which was recently introduced has shown its decent performance in optimization problems. This innovative optimization algorithm is inspired by socio-political progression of imperialistic competition in the real world. In the proposed EIC algorithm, the chaotic maps are used to adapt the angle of colonies movement towards imperialist’s position to augment the evading capability from a local optima trap. The ICA is candidly stuck into a local optimum when solving numerical optimization problems. To overcome this insufficiency, we use four different chaotic maps combined into ICA to augment the search ability. Proposed Enhanced Imperialist Competitive (EIC) algorithm has been tested on standard IEEE 30 bus test system and simulation results show clearly the decent performance of the proposed algorithm in reducing the real power loss.

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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