Innovative Emerging Ontology-driven Frameworks: A Systematic Literature Review

Tshepiso Larona Mokgetse, Hlomani Hlomani, Tshiamo Sigwele


Previous research has shown that ontologies and related semantic web technologies have positioned themselves as good solutions for data integration and resource reusability. Pitfalls and traps in modelling domains can be avoided if researchers and scholars adopt and use ontology-driven frameworks for their research. This research work aims to review currently developed or proposed ontology-driven frameworks, and clearly illustrate their development, application, and practicality. The review then ultimately addresses three main research questions driving the literature review through a synthesis of information that exists about ontology-driven frameworks. Search strings were used to obtain articles from online electronic databases. The PRISMA chart was used for the final selection of the 60 articles for review. A method of scoring called the Assessment of Multiple System Reviews (AMSTAR) was used on the included studies for quality assessment. The AMSTAR mean overall result was 9, the median 10, and the standard deviation 0.99.  The results reveal a downward trend of ontologies in 2010, with Web Ontology Language (OWL) being the most used language for ontology-driven frameworks and systems, with over 70% usage.


Knowledge Management; Framework; Ontology; Semantic Web; Systematic Literature Review


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