Article deals about myogenic mechanisms of blood flow stabilization, free radicals, groupings of erythrocytes in a stationary electromagnetic field, effect on the vascular bed of the circulatory system, on capillary vessels, on arterioles (resistive vessels), on the biomechanical properties of large arteries, models of the hemodynamic chain are given - imitation (analogue) and mathematical. Idea of the principle of adequate design as a tool that expands the possibilities in the study of human behavioral responses to the impact of electromagnetic fields is concretized. To this end, with the help of a simple collection of facts about the reactions of various subsystems of the body to the effects of EMF, a verbal model is formed using the example of the cardiovascular system, which is then implemented using a mathematical model. A similar approach to research, in particular, a person has led to the creation of a number of different models, up to computer diagnostics. Model of the circulatory system presented in the article is characterized by high speed, a convenient form of representation of the temporal characteristics of the object, and clarity of the modeling process.
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