Vol 12, No 3

September 2024

Table of Contents

Synthesis of Bandpass Filter as a Four-Pole Based on a Non-Homogeneous Line PDF
Valeriy Kozlovskiy, Valerii Kozlovskiy, Juliy Boiko, Yuriy Balanyuk, Natalia Yakymchuk 465-476
The Analytical Approach to Evaluate the Bit Error Rate Performance of PLC System in Presence of Cyclostationary Non-White Gaussian Noise PDF
M. M. Rahman, M. T. Alam, M. Ashiquzzaman 477-488
Classifications of Arabic Customer Reviews Using Stemming and Deep Learning PDF
Hawraa Fadhil Khelil, Mohammed Fadhil Ibrahim, Hafsa Ataallah Hussein 489-502
Advanced Multimodal Emotion Recognition for Javanese Language Using Deep Learning PDF
Fatchul Arifin, Aris Nasuha, Ardy Seto Priambodo, Anggun Winursito, Teddy Surya Gunawan 503-515
Efficient Invisible Color Image Watermarking Based on Chaos PDF
Belkacem Samia, Messaoudi Noureddine 516-529
The Circulatory System in an Electromagnetic Field PDF
Elena Savenko, Alexander Belov 530-542
Regulation of Active and Reactive Powers in Doubly-Fed Induction Generators Utilizing Proportional-Integral and Artificial Neural Network Controllers PDF
Mohammed Bouzidi, Abdelfatah Nasri, Oussama Hafsi, Boubakar Faradji 543-557
Wireless Need Sharing and Home Appliance Control for Quadriplegic Patients Using Head Motion Detection Via 3-Axis Accelerometer PDF
Mohammed Abdul Kader, Sadia Safa Orna, Zarin Tasnim, Md Mehedi Hassain 558-574
Enhancing Accuracy for Classification Using the CNN Model and Hyperparameter Optimization Algorithm PDF
Dai Nguyen Quoc, Ngoc Thanh Tran 575-582
The Efficiency of HEVC/H.265, AV1, and VVC/H.266 in Terms of Performance Compression and Video Content PDF
Farouk Boumehrez, Abdelhakim Sahour, Hanane Djellab, Fouzia Maamri 583-593
Malware Classification Using Machine Learning and Dimension Reduction Techniques on PE File Data PDF
Arif Harsa Pradipta, Lili Ayu Wulandhari 594-609
Feature Optimization for Machine Learning Based Bearing Fault Classification PDF
Mohammad Mohiuddin, Md Saiful Islam, Jia Uddin 610-624
Solving Dynamic Combined Economic Environemental Dispatch Problem with Renewable Energies and Constraints Using Gorilla Troops Optimizer PDF
Amel Abrouche, Hamid Bouzeboudja, Kaouthar Lalia Dahmani, Bakhta Naama 625-639
Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning Based Algorithm for Dynamic Workflow Scheduling in Cloud Computing PDF
Rayapati V. Sudhakar, C. Dastagiraiah, Sampurnima Pattem, Sreedhar Bhukya 640-649
A Development of Supporting System for Historical Heritage Based Tourism PDF
Salinun Boonmee, Suwit Somsuphaprungyos, Parinya Natho, Sangtong Boonying 650-658
A Compact Inset Coupled-Fed Triangular Patch Antenna For Wideband 5G Applications PDF
Mohan C, Silamboli J, Divya S, Shantha Sheela R 659-666
Performance Evaluation of Advanced PLL Techniques For Accurate FFPS Component Extraction PDF
M Saritha, M H Sidram 667-689
BERT-BiLSTM model for hierarchical Arabic text classification PDF
Benamar Hamzaoui, Djelloul Bouchiha, Abdelghani Bouziane, Noureddine Doumi 690-699
Novel Polar Coded MIMO Power Domain NOMA Scheme for 5G New Radio (NR) PDF
B Pavithra, Parnasree Chakraborty 700-710
ML-ACID: a Modified Machine Learning Algorithm Coupled With a Novel Ant Colony Approach for Intrusion Detection in IOT PDF
Hamza Belkhiri, Abderraouf Messai, Yehya Belhadad, Beylot Andre-Luc, Sadouni Salheddine 711-725
Design of Robust Centralized PID Optimized LQR Controller for Temperature Control in Single-Stage Refrigeration System PDF
Bonaventure Onyeka Ekengwu, Paulinus Chinaenye Eze, Chidiebere Nnaedozie Muoghalu, Christopher Nnaemeka Asiegbu, Patience Nkiruka Achebe 726-738
Comparative Analysis of Hardware Performance for Linear Detection in a Massive MIMO System on FPGA Using the Vivado HLS Tool PDF
Nurulhuda Ismail, Mohamad Hairol Jabbar, Ariffuddin Joret, Norshidah Katiran, Eddy Irwan Shah Saadon 739-747


Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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