Insights on Significant Implication on Research Approach for Enhancing 5G Network System

Vani BP, R Sundaraguru


With the exponential growth of mobile users, there is a massive growth of data as well as novel services to support such data management. However, the existing 4G network is absolutely not meant for catering up such higher demands of bandwidth utilization as well as servicing massive users with similar Quality of service. Such problems are claimed to be effectively addressed by the adoption of 5G networking system. Although the characteristics of 5G networking are theoretically sound, still it is under the roof of the research. Therefore, this paper presents a discussion about the conventional approach as well as an approach using cognitive radio network towards addressing the frequently identified problems of energy, resource allocation, and spectral efficiency. The study collects the existing, recent researches in the domain of 5G communications from various publications. Different from existing review work, the paper also contributes towards identifying the core research findings as well as a significant research gap towards improving the communication in the 5G network system.


4G; 5G; Resource Allocation; Energy Consumption; Spectral Efficiency; Cognative Radio Network

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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