Artificial Intelligent Tuning PI Controller on Wind Turbine System with Three-Phase Grid Connected System

Wipobh Jaikhang, Satean Tunyasrirut


In order to generate the electricity from the wind turbine system with a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) to the three-phase grid connected system, it is very challenging because the electricity generated from wind energy resource is inconstancy. In this paper, the electrical power between the two systems are regulated by PI controller. For tuning the gains of PI controller, artificial intelligent methods, particle swarm optimization (PSO), gravitational search algorithm (GSA), artificial neural networks (ANN), are applied. The experiments of the control systems are testing at 200 w and 400 w. The experimental results show that the rise time of an electrical power of control system at 200 w tuning gains of the PI controller by ANN combined with PSO is better than the traditional tuning methods, pole placement. Therefore, the proposed intelligent system can not only reduce the overshoot of the active power but also improve the response power.


artificial intelligent tuning; PI controller; wind turbine; grid connected; three-phase

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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