Multi-Sensor System for Land and Forest Fire Detection Application in Peatland Area

Evizal Abdul Kadir, Sharul Kamal Abdul Rahim, Sri Listia Rosa


Forest fire has a dangerous impact on environments and humans because of haze and carbon emitted from it. A common technology to detect fire hotspots is to use satellite images and then process them to determine the number of hotspots and their location. However, satellite systems cannot penetrate in bad weather or cloudy condition. This research proposes a ground sensor system, which uses several sensors related to the indicators of fire, especially fire in peatland area with unique characteristics. Common parameters of fire, such as temperature, smoke, haze, and carbon dioxide, are applied in this system. Indicators are measured using special sensors. Results of every sensor are analyzed by implementing intelligent computer programming, and an algorithm to determine fire hotspots and locations is applied. The fire hotspot location and intensity determined by integrated multiple sensors are more accurate than those determined by a single sensor. Data collected from every sensor are kept in a database, and a graph is generated for reporting and recording. In case of sensor readings with parameters, potential of fire and hotspots detected can be forwarded to the representative department for corresponding actions.


Multi-sensor, Forest fire, Peatland, WSNs

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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