Open Source Big Data Platforms and Tools: An Analysis

Yassine Benlachmi, Moulay Lahcen Hasnaoui


Big data is attracting an excessive amount of interest in the IT and academic sectors. On a regular basis, computer and digital industries generate more data than they have space to store. In the current situation, five billion people have their own mobile phone, and over two billion people are linked globally to exchange various types of data. By 2020, it is estimated that about fifty billion people will be connected to the internet. During2020, data generation, use, and sharing would be forty-four times higher than in previous years. A variety of sectors and organizations are using big data to manage various operations. As a result, a thorough examination of big data's benefits, drawbacks, meaning, and characteristics is needed. The primary goal of this research is to gather information on the various open-source big data tools and platforms that are used by various organizations. In this paper we use a three perspective methodology to identify the strength and weaknesses of the workflow in a open source big data arena. This helps to establish a pipeline of workflow events for both researcher and entrepreneur decision making.


Big Data ; Open Source Tools ; Open Source Platforms

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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