A Robust Controller Design for Simple Robotic Human Arm

Wajdi Sadik Aboud, Hadeel K. Aljobouri, Hayder Sabah Abd Al-Amir


Nowadays, the manipulator of two degrees of freedom (2DOF) has many applications. One is a human arm that may be utilized in robotic rehabilitation. The 2DOF controlled robot manipulator usually acts like human arms. This paper aims to design a robust, stable controller for the upper limb robotic model. A sliding mode control (SMC) approach is proposed to realize stability, tracing accuracy, and robustness for 2DOF robotic manipulator. Based on the general manipulator equation of motion, two SMCs are designed. The first is designed according to the input–output stability constraints. The second is designed according to the adaptive law. Not only the trajectory tracking is guaranteed but also stability is ensured. The stability of the controllers is examined based on Lyapunov stability criteria. The controllers and the robotic arm are formulated analytically. The MATLAB platform is adopted to examine and validate the proposed controller’s performance. The addition of adaptation law in the SMC scheme improves the results for the two designed controllers and shows remarkable trajectory tracking and system stability as well. The improvement rate shows an enhancement of 40.5% and 36.7% for manipulator joints 1 and 2, respectively.


Adaptive; Manipulator; Robotic Arm; Sliding Mode Control (SMC); Trajectory Tracking.

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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