Reduction of Emission Cost, Loss Cost and Energy Purchase Cost for Distribution Systems With Capacitors, Photovoltaic Distributed Generators, and Harmonics

Thai Dinh Pham, Hung Duc Nguyen, Thang Trung Nguyen


In this paper, a bonobo optimizer (BO) and two other methods, particle swarm optimization (PSO) and salp swarm algorithm (SSA), are implemented to determine the location and sizing of photovoltaic distributed generators (PDGs) and capacitors in IEEE 69-bus radial distribution system with many nonlinear loads. The objective of the study is to minimize the costs for purchasing energy from main grid for load demand and power loss on transmission lines as well as cost for emission fines from fossil fuel generation units of the grid under considering strict constraints on penetration, voltage, current and harmonic distortions. The results have shown that BO is the best and most stable method in solving the considered optimization problem. With the use of the optimal solution from BO, the total cost is significantly reduced up to 80.52%. As compared to base system without capacitors and PDGs, the obtained solution can reduce power loss up to 94.48% and increase the voltage profile from the range of [0.9092 1.00] pu to higher range of [0.9907 1.0084] pu. In addition, total harmonic distortion (THD) and individual harmonic distortion (IHD) are also much improved and satisfied under the IEEE Std. 519. Thus, BO is a suitable method for the application of installing capacitors and PDGs in distribution systems.


Bonobo optimizer; Capacitor Emissions; Power loss; Harmonic; Voltage profile


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