Vol 11, No 1

March 2023

Table of Contents

Prediction of Power Consumption Utilization in a Cloud Computing Data Centre using Kalman Filter parameters with Genetic Algorithm PDF
Rotimi Afolabi, Adebisi Bamidele, Anthony U. Adoghe 1-13
An Improved ANN Approach for Occupancy Detection of A Smart Building PDF
Mitali Ray, Padarbinda Samal, Chinmoy Kumar Panigrahi 14-24
Stability Enhancement of DFIG Wind Farm Using SSSC With FOPID Controller PDF
Chethan Hiremarali Ramalingegowda, Mageshvaran Rudramoorthy 25-35
Reduction of Emission Cost, Loss Cost and Energy Purchase Cost for Distribution Systems With Capacitors, Photovoltaic Distributed Generators, and Harmonics PDF
Thai Dinh Pham, Hung Duc Nguyen, Thang Trung Nguyen 36-49
PI-based ZSVM Control of Quasi-Z-Source Inverter for Photovoltaic Applications in Standalone Mode PDF
Essaid Jaoide, Faicel El Aamri, Mbarek Outazkrit, Abdelhadi Radouane, Azeddine Mouhsen 50-60
An Improved Energy Saving Technique for Wireless Power Transfer in Near Field Communication Systems PDF
Khadeejah A Abdulsalam, Kingsley C. Ijike, John A Adebisi 61-76
Master-Slave Synchronization of Robotic Arm using PID Controller PDF
Yin Hnin Thet Htun, May Su Hlaing, Tin Tin Hla 77-87
Protecting Attacks on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using Homomorphic Encryption PDF
Mohammed Y. Alzahrani, Nayeem Ahmad Khan, Lilia Georgieva, Alawi M. Bamahdi, Omar Ahmed Abdulkader, Ahmed H. Alahmadi 88-96
Performance Investigation of Software Agents in Artificial Intelligence and Document Object Model Domain PDF
Abhijit Bora, Tulshi Bezboruah 97-104
Machine Learning based Stream Selection of Secondary School Students in Bangladesh PDF
Shabbir Ahmad, Md. Golam Rabiul Alam, Jia Uddin, Md Roman Bhuiyan, Tasnim Sakib Apon 105-118
Efficient Pavement Crack Detection and Classification Using Custom YOLOv7 Model PDF
Arselan Ashraf, Ali Sophian, Amir Akramin Shafie, Teddy Surya Gunawan, Norfarah Nadia Ismail, Ali Aryo Bawono 119-132
Multimachine Stability Enhancement Using Fuzzy- Logic Based PSS Tuning With Shunt FACTS Device PDF
M Madhusudhan, H Pradeepa, M V Likith Kumar, Srishail K Bilgundi 133-151
Mixed-type Variables Clustering for Learners’ Behavior in Flipped Classroom Implementation PDF
Daniel Febrian Sengkey, Angelina Stevany Regina Masengi 152-163
Day Ahead Energy Consumption Forecasting Through Time-Series Neural Network PDF
R. Reshma Gopi, Chitra Annamalai 164-179
A Review on VANET Security: Future Challenges and Open Issues PDF
Md. Julkar Nayeen Mahi, Sudipto Chaki, Esraq Humayun, Hafizul Imran, Alistair Barros, Md Whaiduzzaman 180-193
Soft Robots: Implementation, Modeling, and Methods of control PDF
Shahad AbdulAdheem Al-Ibadi, Loai Ali Talib Al Abeach, Mohammed Abd Ali Al-Ibadi 194-209
IoT-based Smart Campus Monitoring Based on an Improved Chimp Optimization-Based Deep Belief Neural Network PDF
S. Sebastin Antony Joe, S. J. Jereesha Mary, Ronald S. Cordova, Haydar Sabeeh Kalash, Ali Al-Badi 210-224
Influence of Renewable Energy Sources on Day Ahead Optimal Power Flow Based on Meteorological Data Forecast Using Machine Learning: A case study of Johor Province PDF
Haider Jouma Touma, Muhamad Mansor, Muhamad Safwan Abd Rahman, Hazlie Mokhlis, Yong Jia Ying 225-240
A Five Level Modified Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter STATCOM for Power Quality Improvement PDF
Prashant Kedarnath Magadum, Sangmesh Sakri 241-247
VGG19+CNN: Deep Learning-Based Lung Cancer Classification with Meta-Heuristic Feature Selection Methodology PDF
Bhagya Lakshmi Nandipati, Nagaraju Devarakonda 248-266
Automatic Caption Generation for Aerial Images: A Survey PDF
Parag Jayant Mondhe, Manisha P. Satone, Gajanan K. Kharate 267-285
Enhanced Emotion Recognition in Videos: A Convolutional Neural Network Strategy for Human Facial Expression Detection and Classification PDF
Arselan Ashraf, Teddy Surya Gunawan, Fatchul Arifin, Mira Kartiwi, Ali Sophian, Mohamed Hadi Habaebi 286-299
Days of autonomy for optimal Battery Sizing in Stand-alone Photovoltaic Systems PDF
Meriem Andam, Jamila El Alami, Younes Louartassi, Rabie Zine 300-317
SentiMLBench: Benchmark Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Sentiment Analysis PDF
Anuradha Vishwajit Yenkikar, C. Narendra Babu 318-336


Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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