Implementing Pseudo-Random Control in Boost Converter: An Effective Approach for Mitigating Conducted Electromagnetic Emissions

Zakaria M'barki, Youssef Mejdoub, Kaoutar Senhaji Rhazi, Khalid Sabhi


Currently, pulse width modulation (PWM) is a prevalent technique in the field of DC-DC converter control. Its primary objectives encompass maintaining the regulation of the converter's output voltage and improving the load's performance by mitigating the adverse effects caused by harmonic distortions. Unfortunately, the utilization of PWM is associated with significant levels of residual harmonics, characterized by notable amplitudes and frequencies, which have the potential to induce mechanical vibrations, acoustic disturbances, and electromagnetic interference (EMI).To address this challenge, a method known as pseudo-random modulation (PRM) has been developed. In comparison to traditional PWM, PRM offers ease of implementation and high efficacy in EMI mitigation. PRM achieves this by distributing harmonic power across a broader frequency range, thereby reducing the prominence of high-amplitude harmonics at specific frequencies. Within the context of Spread Spectrum Modulation (SSM), this study extensively explores diverse converter topologies and proposes an innovative hardware implementation using the cost-effective Atmega328p microcontroller. Furthermore, the study scrutinizes the consequences of implementing this randomized control strategy to reduce electromagnetic emissions from a Boost converter, a well-recognized source of significant interference in its operational environment. Ultimately, the aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of these applied methodologies in achieving the maximum dispersion of the power spectrum, thereby enhancing overall electromagnetic compatibility.


Boost converter; Conducted EMI; Pseudo Random Modulation; Arduino Uno


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