Investigation of Photovoltaic Hosting Capacity Using Minimum Generation Operation Approach

Syafii Syafii, Thoriq Kurnia Agung, Dawam Habibullah


Photovoltaic (PV) have become a priority renewable energy source to be developed in Indonesia to achieve new and renewable energy (NRE) target of 23% in 2025 and 31% in 2050. The operation of a significant number of rooftop PV can also change the type of power system operating configuration to Distributed Energy Generation (DEG). The majority of DEGs which are NRE generators are capable of causing new problems because of their intermittent nature. Hosting Capacity is a high penetration limit for NRE without causing problems and limits on operational violations. The hosting capacity method used is based on the generator's minimum operation. In the test system consisting of 3 power plants such as hydro power plant, coal power plant, and geothermal power plant, the PV capacity that can be injected into the system is 139.1 MW. With PV injection based on hosting capacity, the system becomes better with the same average voltage profile as before PV injection, namely 0.991 p.u. System stability by reviewing the frequency, rotor angle, and rotor speed, the system after PV injection is better than before PV injection.


Distributed energy generation; Hosting capacity; Photovoltaic; System stability


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