SoC Estimation and Monitoring of Li-ion Cell using Kalman-Filter Algorithm

Premkumar Manoharan, Mohankumar R, Karthick K, Sowmya R


With the rise in an energy crisis, electric vehicles have become a necessity. An integral part of the electric/hybrid vehicle is batteries. Out of many types, Li-ion batteries are providing features like high power as well as energy density. The features make Li-ion is an excellent choice for multiple applications from electronic appliances to electric vehicles. Li-ion batteries have their limitations while using in electric vehicles, and battery parameter monitoring like temperature, voltage, current, State of Charge (SoC), etc. is very much essential. The monitoring is dependent on actual physical measurements, which are subject to error contributing factors such as measurement noise, errors etc. With the estimation of SOC and State of Health (SoH) of the battery model, the lifetime of the battery will be calculated out, and along these lines sparing significant cost. In this paper, a study on SoH estimation and Li-ion battery SoC is estimated using a Kalman Filter (KF) algorithm estimation and results are presented to validate the Li-ion operating performance


Li-ion Battery, Estimation, SOC, SOH, KF algorithm

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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