Vol 6, No 4

December 2018

Table of Contents

Big Data in Smart-Cities: Current Research and Challenges PDF
Debajyoti Pal, Tuul Triyason, Praisan Padungweang 351-360
Internet of Things Based Smart Health Monitoring of Industrial Standard Motors PDF
Gayathri R., Shriram K Vasudevan 361-367
Blur Classification Using Segmentation Based Fractal Texture Analysis PDF
Shamik Tiwari 373-384
QR Code Integrity Verification Based on Modified SHA-1 Algorithm PDF
Rogel Ladia Quilala, Ariel M Sison, Ruji P Medina 385-392
Malayalam Handwritten Character Recognition Using AlexNet Based Architecture PDF
Ajay James, Manjusha J, Chandran Saravanan 393-400
An Improved Overlapping Clustering Algorithm to Detect Outlier PDF
Alvincent Egonia Danganan, Ariel M. Sison, Ruji P. Medina 401-409
SoC Estimation and Monitoring of Li-ion Cell using Kalman-Filter Algorithm PDF
Premkumar Manoharan, Mohankumar R, Karthick K, Sowmya R 418-427
Synthesis of (Polymer blend-MgO) Nanocomposites and Studying Electrical Properties for Piezoelectric Application PDF
Majeed Habeeb, Rehab Shather Abdul Hamza 428-435
Performance Analysis of Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode for Nonlinear Control of the Doubly Fed Induction Motor PDF
Cherifi Djamila, Yahia Miloud 436-447
Reliability Assessment of the Iraqi National Communication Network PDF
Musaria Kareem Mahmood, Fawzi Mohammad Munir Al-Naima, Zahraa Zaidan 448-457
Adaptive Fuzzy Control of Puma Robot Manipulator in Task Space with Unknown Dynamic and Uncertain Kinematic PDF
Azita Azarfar 458-470
Design and Analysis of High Gain Low Power CMOS Comparator PDF
Labonnah Farzana Rahman, Mamun Bin Ibne Reaz, Wan Irma Idayu Restu, Mohammad Marufuzzaman, Lariyah Mohd Sidek 471-476
Improving the Transient Stability of the Mixed AC/DC Networks with FACTS PDF
Ayachi Bilel, Ahcene Boukadoum, Salah Leulmi, Tahar Boukra 477-485


Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)
ISSN 2089-3272

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