Automatic Caption Generation for Aerial Images: A Survey

Parag Jayant Mondhe, Manisha P. Satone, Gajanan K. Kharate


Aerial images have attracted attention from researcher community since long time. Generating a caption for an aerial image describing its content in comprehensive way is less studied but important task as it has applications in agriculture, defence, disaster management and many more areas. Though different approaches were followed for natural image caption generation, generating a caption for aerial image remains a challenging task due to its special nature. Use of emerging techniques from Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) domains have resulted in generation of accepted quality captions for aerial images. However lot needs to be done to fully utilize potential of aerial image caption generation task. This paper presents detail survey of the various approaches followed by researchers for aerial image caption generation task. The datasets available for experimentation, criteria used for performance evaluation and future directions are also discussed.


aerial images; caption generation; description generation; remote sensing images; satellite images


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